Judith A Scholefield & Associates promote a client centred approach. We base our services on client's needs. Typically, our service can include:
- Assessment of speech, language and communication disorders using formal and informal assessment.
- Assessment of swallowing.
- Private Videofluoroscopy Service in conjunction with Spire Hospital Leeds.
- Diagnosis following assessments.
- Assessment and advice with regard to AAC.
- Therapy plans and goal setting.
- Multi-disciplinary team working.
- Remote therapy eg Skype sessions.
- Training & education.
- Medico-legal and expert witness reports for personal injury both for Defence and Claimant. Coroner's Court and Criminal Court.
- Specialist clinical supervision for other Speech & Language Therapists.
- We are always happy to discuss other service requirements.
We undertake visits in a variety of places including client’s homes, residential/care and nursing homes and will be pleased to discuss our fees and provide you with an estimate of the likely cost of an initial assessment, which will determine the cost of ongoing treatment, if appropriate.